Up, Down, All Around, Like a Roller Coaster. Remember that song by the Partridge Family, or was I the only one that had that album? Either way that's how it feels around here. We are excited to have the work started on our house (up) but I have strep throat and Aidan came home sick (down) And they are really going to town tearing down all the things our builder doesn't feel are appropriate to build on (all around). The "all around" is happy that we will have a structurally sound home but frustrated that Allstate didn't agree to it in the first place - ugh

Here are some pictures of the back of the house (you can see where stucco was removed to reveal more fire damage)

Oh I forgot to explain the first picture is of the 2nd story floor, or should I say, where it used to be. Our further frustration with Allstate has to do with our premium. Just when I came to terms with the fact that there is no way around continuing to pay our full premium on our structure (which is about 25% there) and full contents (which we no longer have) they sent us a letter stating they have increased it! So now we have to pay more to insure stuff that we don't even have! "Like a roller coaster, keeps going faster...."
But I am choosing to follow the example of a friend who is doing a JOY experiment and have decided to make today a good day remembering to "rejoice and be glad in the day the Lord has made" Psalm 118:24 - my translation. No singing with a sore throat though ;)