Thursday, February 26, 2009


Have you heard the saying "The Devil's In The Details"? Well it just may be those details that set us over the edge! Last week it was the computers, Sat was the plumbing, Monday was the garage door, Tuesday was the dishwashers (yes there are two!) and yesterday we found out that the referral number on our phone line is wrong! I called to fix it today but it's still not right.

So here it is again - don't bother calling for the referral, who knows when it will be fixed
55 Golf Ridge
Dove Canyon, CA 92679

But we're hanging in there. Our benchmark is the house burning down after all and compared to that these annoyances are nothing - though they do seem to be compounding. So continue to pray for patience for us PLEASE!

Also, we are gonna need some physical help. Our quote for "restoration" came in at 12K yup that's $12,000 - US dollars! Not including the Piano or Washer and Dryer - probably the only things that are worth restoring. So, we'll be cleaning our own stuff. I'll keep you posted on the day (hoping for next week) and if you are able to come buy and help us transport, or take home and clean and then we can pick up we'd really appreciate it. Seems silly for us to pay them $150 to clean our $70 tent and equally crazy to pay whatever they are charging for disposal when the whole house has to be disposed of anyway! So, we're just gonna go grab what's safe to keep and keep on keepin on!

1 comment:

  1. Our dishwasher, washer, dryer, or any other cleaning devices (a.k.a. Logan, Cam, Jax, and Brandon... well, maybe not the last one) are at your service! Just let us know when. Sending P&P-peace and patience. ~Amy
