So here we are a year later, on the one hand the memories are as vivid as if it happened yesterday and on the other hand it seems like it happened a lifetime ago. The big question now (right after "how's the house") is, "are you going to Big Bear?" It has been a tradition for years and the answer is, "Yes". Though, truth be told, I voted not to go. The kids and Mike are not ready to "throw away our tradition just because our house burned down". I don't know, it sounds like a good enough reason to me ;) The odds of it happening again are very slim but I worried that the memory of it would cause more pain than the event itself did. So we compromised, I agreed to go and they agreed to stay in a different place. But it seems that for as many things as I am in control of changing, there are things that are out of my control that are going to be exactly the same, so my attempt at complete avoidance has been thwarted, shucks! Oh well I guess I'll have to put my big girl (ski) pants on and deal with it head on.
As for the house, it's coming along great! the roof is on (sort of), windows and doors in, scratch coat of stucco on, interior walls taped and mudded. Next week the stucco will be complete and the other exterior finish work will begin. Our completion date is projected for sometime in May and we have started selecting interior finishes - soon we'll have to make some decisions on furniture too! Sounds fun but it is overwhelming though with an end in sight, it makes it much easier to carry on. Unfortunately, even at this late stage, we are not done battling with Allstate. The good news is we have learned how to do it better and remove the emotions from it...sort of ;) So while a lot has changed this year, a lot is still the same.
Here are a couple interior pictures for you to peek at. We'd love to give you a tour if you are in the neighborhood just make sure it's during the day because we still don't have any lights!