It has been a month since my last blog, can't really believe it, wish I had more to say. The good news is we received a call from someone at Allstate that had read this blog and was "appalled" she assured Mike that it isn't the way they do business and that they will make it right. Her phone call was followed by calls from our local adjusters who were, of course, very nice but we are still waiting...
In the mean time, plans for our new house are done and we meet with our HOA on Wed. for approval. Of course we had to follow standard procedure and get permission from our neighbors as if we were just remodeling. They laughed when I asked if they would "agree" to let us build. The next step is for the plans to go to the city and finally construction.
We had a great vacation in the Bahamas, I took tons of pictures, as promised in an earlier post. And we are enjoying our "vacation home" here in Mission Viejo. It's great to be so close to the lake and with a private beach no less! Mike and Aidan have been fishing and we have had fun entertaining friends here.
Also in a previous post I mentioned that I wanted to tell you about "The Giving House" we moved out of in Dove Canyon. Remember we had a friend who wasn't using it, even though it was fully furnished? So, when we moved out, he moved back in but with more furniture. And the house we are in now was fully furnished so we didn't need it either. But, he found out about another family who lost their home in a fire in San Clemente so he was able to donate the furniture to them! It reminded me of the book The Giving Tree; one of my childhood favorites. I joked that one day, they will be giving us windows from that house to take down on one of our Project Mexico trips.